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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)

Build a dlt pipeline

This tutorial introduces you to foundational dlt concepts, demonstrating how to build a custom data pipeline that loads data from pure Python data structures to DuckDB. It starts with a simple example and progresses to more advanced topics and usage scenarios.

What you will learn

  • Loading data from a list of Python dictionaries into DuckDB.
  • Low-level API usage with a built-in HTTP client.
  • Understand and manage data loading behaviors.
  • Incrementally load new data and deduplicate existing data.
  • Dynamic resource creation and reducing code redundancy.
  • Group resources into sources.
  • Securely handle secrets.
  • Make reusable data sources.


  • Python 3.9 or higher installed
  • Virtual environment set up

Installing dlt

Before we start, make sure you have a Python virtual environment set up. Follow the instructions in the installation guide to create a new virtual environment and install dlt.

Verify that dlt is installed by running the following command in your terminal:

dlt --version

Quick start

For starters, let's load a list of Python dictionaries into DuckDB and inspect the created dataset. Here is the code:

import dlt

data = [{"id": 1, "name": "Alice"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Bob"}]

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
pipeline_name="quick_start", destination="duckdb", dataset_name="mydata"
load_info =, table_name="users")


When you look at the code above, you can see that we:

  1. Import the dlt library.
  2. Define our data to load.
  3. Create a pipeline that loads data into DuckDB. Here we also specify the pipeline_name and dataset_name. We'll use both in a moment.
  4. Run the pipeline.

Save this Python script with the name and run the following command:


The output should look like:

Pipeline quick_start completed in 0.59 seconds
1 load package(s) were loaded to destination duckdb and into dataset mydata
The duckdb destination used duckdb:////home/user-name/quick_start/quick_start.duckdb location to store data
Load package 1692364844.460054 is LOADED and contains no failed jobs

dlt just created a database schema called mydata (the dataset_name) with a table users in it.

Explore data in Python

You can use dlt datasets to easily query the data in pure Python.

# get the dataset
dataset = pipeline.dataset("mydata")

# get the user relation
table = dataset.users

# query the full table as dataframe

# query the first 10 rows as arrow table

Explore data in Streamlit

To allow a sneak peek and basic discovery, you can take advantage of built-in integration with Streamlit:

dlt pipeline quick_start show

quick_start is the name of the pipeline from the script above. If you do not have Streamlit installed yet, do:

pip install streamlit

Now you should see the users table:

Streamlit Explore data Streamlit Explore data. Schema and data for a test pipeline “quick_start”.


dlt works in Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab! See our Quickstart Colab Demo.

Looking for the source code of all the snippets? You can find and run them from this repository.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to get started with dlt, you might be eager to dive deeper. For that, we need to switch to a more advanced data source - the GitHub API. We will load issues from our dlt-hub/dlt repository.


This tutorial uses the GitHub REST API for demonstration purposes only. If you need to read data from a REST API, consider using dlt's REST API source. Check out the REST API source tutorial for a quick start or the REST API source reference for more details.

Create a pipeline

First, we need to create a pipeline. Pipelines are the main building blocks of dlt and are used to load data from sources to destinations. Open your favorite text editor and create a file called Add the following code to it:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests

# Specify the URL of the API endpoint
url = ""
# Make a request and check if it was successful
response = requests.get(url)

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
# The response contains a list of issues
load_info =, table_name="issues")


Here's what the code above does:

  1. It makes a request to the GitHub API endpoint and checks if the response is successful.
  2. Then, it creates a dlt pipeline with the name github_issues and specifies that the data should be loaded to the duckdb destination and the github_data dataset. Nothing gets loaded yet.
  3. Finally, it runs the pipeline with the data from the API response (response.json()) and specifies that the data should be loaded to the issues table. The run method returns a LoadInfo object that contains information about the loaded data.

Run the pipeline

Save and run the following command:


Once the data has been loaded, you can inspect the created dataset using the Streamlit app:

dlt pipeline github_issues show

Append or replace your data

Try running the pipeline again with python You will notice that the issues table contains two copies of the same data. This happens because the default load mode is append. It is very useful, for example, when you have daily data updates and you want to ingest them.

To get the latest data, we'd need to run the script again. But how to do that without duplicating the data? One option is to tell dlt to replace the data in existing tables in the destination by using the replace write disposition. Change the script to the following:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests

# Specify the URL of the API endpoint
url = ""
# Make a request and check if it was successful
response = requests.get(url)

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
# The response contains a list of issues
load_info =
write_disposition="replace" # <-- Add this line


Run this script twice to see that the issues table still contains only one copy of the data.


What if the API has changed and new fields get added to the response? dlt will migrate your tables! See the replace mode and table schema migration in action in our Schema evolution colab demo.

Learn more:

Declare loading behavior

So far, we have been passing the data to the run method directly. This is a quick way to get started. However, frequently, you receive data in chunks, and you want to load it as it arrives. For example, you might want to load data from an API endpoint with pagination or a large file that does not fit in memory. In such cases, you can use Python generators as a data source.

You can pass a generator to the run method directly or use the @dlt.resource decorator to turn the generator into a dlt resource. The decorator allows you to specify the loading behavior and relevant resource parameters.

Load only new data (incremental loading)

Let's improve our GitHub API example and get only issues that were created since the last load. Instead of using the replace write disposition and downloading all issues each time the pipeline is run, we do the following:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests

@dlt.resource(table_name="issues", write_disposition="append")
def get_issues(
created_at=dlt.sources.incremental("created_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
# NOTE: we read only open issues to minimize number of calls to the API.
# There's a limit of ~50 calls for not authenticated Github users.
url = (

while True:
response = requests.get(url)
yield response.json()

# Stop requesting pages if the last element was already
# older than initial value
# Note: incremental will skip those items anyway, we just
# do not want to use the api limits
if created_at.start_out_of_range:

# get next page
if "next" not in response.links:
url = response.links["next"]["url"]

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

load_info =
row_counts = pipeline.last_trace.last_normalize_info


Let's take a closer look at the code above.

We use the @dlt.resource decorator to declare the table name into which data will be loaded and specify the append write disposition.

We request issues for the dlt-hub/dlt repository ordered by the created_at field (descending) and yield them page by page in the get_issues generator function.

We also use dlt.sources.incremental to track the created_at field present in each issue to filter in the newly created ones.

Now run the script. It loads all the issues from our repo to duckdb. Run it again, and you can see that no issues got added (if no issues were created in the meantime).

Now you can run this script on a daily schedule, and each day you’ll load only issues created after the time of the previous pipeline run.


Between pipeline runs, dlt keeps the state in the same database it loaded data into. Peek into that state, the tables loaded, and get other information with:

dlt pipeline -v github_issues_incremental info

Learn more:

Update and deduplicate your data

The script above finds new issues and adds them to the database. It will ignore any updates to existing issue text, emoji reactions, etc. To always get fresh content of all the issues, combine incremental load with the merge write disposition, like in the script below.

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests

def get_issues(
updated_at=dlt.sources.incremental("updated_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
# NOTE: we read only open issues to minimize number of calls to
# the API. There's a limit of ~50 calls for not authenticated
# Github users
url = (

while True:
response = requests.get(url)
yield response.json()

# Get next page
if "next" not in response.links:
url = response.links["next"]["url"]

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
load_info =
row_counts = pipeline.last_trace.last_normalize_info


Above, we add the primary_key argument to the dlt.resource() that tells dlt how to identify the issues in the database to find duplicates whose content it will merge.

Note that we now track the updated_at field — so we filter in all issues updated since the last pipeline run (which also includes those newly created).

Pay attention to how we use the since parameter from the GitHub API and updated_at.last_value to tell GitHub to return issues updated only after the date we pass. updated_at.last_value holds the last updated_at value from the previous run.

Learn more about merge write disposition.

Using pagination helper

In the previous examples, we used the requests library to make HTTP requests to the GitHub API and handled pagination manually. dlt has a built-in REST client that simplifies API requests. We'll use the paginate() helper from it for the next example. The paginate function takes a URL and optional parameters (quite similar to requests) and returns a generator that yields pages of data.

Here's how the updated script looks:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import paginate

def get_issues(
updated_at=dlt.sources.incremental("updated_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
for page in paginate(
"since": updated_at.last_value,
"per_page": 100,
"sort": "updated",
"direction": "desc",
"state": "open",
yield page

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
load_info =
row_counts = pipeline.last_trace.last_normalize_info


Let's zoom in on the changes:

  1. The while loop that handled pagination is replaced with reading pages from the paginate() generator.
  2. paginate() takes the URL of the API endpoint and optional parameters. In this case, we pass the since parameter to get only issues updated after the last pipeline run.
  3. We're not explicitly setting up pagination; paginate() handles it for us. Magic! Under the hood, paginate() analyzes the response and detects the pagination method used by the API. Read more about pagination in the REST client documentation.

If you want to take full advantage of the dlt library, then we strongly suggest that you build your sources out of existing building blocks: To make the most of dlt, consider the following:

Use source decorator

In the previous step, we loaded issues from the GitHub API. Now we'll load comments from the API as well. Here's a sample dlt resource that does that:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import paginate

def get_comments(
updated_at=dlt.sources.incremental("updated_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
for page in paginate(
params={"per_page": 100}
yield page

We can load this resource separately from the issues resource; however, loading both issues and comments in one go is more efficient. To do that, we'll use the @dlt.source decorator on a function that returns a list of resources:

def github_source():
return [get_issues, get_comments]

github_source() groups resources into a source. A dlt source is a logical grouping of resources. You use it to group resources that belong together, for example, to load data from the same API. Loading data from a source can be run in a single pipeline. Here's what our updated script looks like:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import paginate

def get_issues(
updated_at=dlt.sources.incremental("updated_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
for page in paginate(
"since": updated_at.last_value,
"per_page": 100,
"sort": "updated",
"direction": "desc",
"state": "open",
yield page

def get_comments(
updated_at=dlt.sources.incremental("updated_at", initial_value="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
for page in paginate(
"since": updated_at.last_value,
"per_page": 100,
yield page

def github_source():
return [get_issues, get_comments]

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

load_info =

Dynamic resources

You've noticed that there's a lot of code duplication in the get_issues and get_comments functions. We can reduce that by extracting the common fetching code into a separate function and using it in both resources. Even better, we can use dlt.resource as a function and pass it the fetch_github_data() generator function directly. Here's the refactored code:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import paginate


def fetch_github_data(endpoint, params={}):
url = f"{BASE_GITHUB_URL}/{endpoint}"
return paginate(url, params=params)

def github_source():
for endpoint in ["issues", "comments"]:
params = {"per_page": 100}
yield dlt.resource(
fetch_github_data(endpoint, params),

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
load_info =
row_counts = pipeline.last_trace.last_normalize_info

Handle secrets

For the next step, we'd want to get the number of repository clones for our dlt repo from the GitHub API. However, the traffic/clones endpoint that returns the data requires authentication.

Let's handle this by changing our fetch_github_data() function first:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client.auth import BearerTokenAuth

def fetch_github_data_with_token(endpoint, params={}, access_token=None):
url = f"{BASE_GITHUB_URL}/{endpoint}"
return paginate(
auth=BearerTokenAuth(token=access_token) if access_token else None,

def github_source_with_token(access_token: str):
for endpoint in ["issues", "comments", "traffic/clones"]:
params = {"per_page": 100}
yield dlt.resource(
fetch_github_data_with_token(endpoint, params, access_token),


Here, we added an access_token parameter and now we can use it to pass the access token to the request:

load_info ="ghp_XXXXX"))

It's a good start. But we'd want to follow the best practices and not hardcode the token in the script. One option is to set the token as an environment variable, load it with os.getenv(), and pass it around as a parameter. dlt offers a more convenient way to handle secrets and credentials: it lets you inject the arguments using a special dlt.secrets.value argument value.

To use it, change the github_source() function to:

def github_source_with_token(
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,

When you add dlt.secrets.value as a default value for an argument, dlt will try to load and inject this value from different configuration sources in the following order:

  1. Special environment variables.
  2. secrets.toml file.

The secrets.toml file is located in the ~/.dlt folder (for global configuration) or in the .dlt folder in the project folder (for project-specific configuration).

Let's add the token to the ~/.dlt/secrets.toml file:

access_token = "ghp_A...3aRY"

Now we can run the script and it will load the data from the traffic/clones endpoint:


def github_source_with_token(
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,
for endpoint in ["issues", "comments", "traffic/clones"]:
params = {"per_page": 100}
yield dlt.resource(
fetch_github_data_with_token(endpoint, params, access_token),

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
load_info =

Configurable sources

The next step is to make our dlt GitHub source reusable so it can load data from any GitHub repo. We'll do that by changing both the github_source() and fetch_github_data() functions to accept the repo name as a parameter:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import paginate

BASE_GITHUB_URL = "{repo_name}"

def fetch_github_data_with_token_and_params(repo_name, endpoint, params={}, access_token=None):
"""Fetch data from the GitHub API based on repo_name, endpoint, and params."""
url = BASE_GITHUB_URL.format(repo_name=repo_name) + f"/{endpoint}"
return paginate(
auth=BearerTokenAuth(token=access_token) if access_token else None,

def github_source_with_token_and_repo(
repo_name: str = dlt.config.value,
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,
for endpoint in ["issues", "comments", "traffic/clones"]:
params = {"per_page": 100}
yield dlt.resource(
fetch_github_data_with_token_and_params(repo_name, endpoint, params, access_token),

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
load_info =

Next, create a .dlt/config.toml file in the project folder and add the repo_name parameter to it:

repo_name = "dlt-hub/dlt"

That's it! Now you have a reusable source that can load data from any GitHub repo.

What’s next

Congratulations on completing the tutorial! You've come a long way since the getting started guide. By now, you've mastered loading data from various GitHub API endpoints, organizing resources into sources, managing secrets securely, and creating reusable sources. You can use these skills to build your own pipelines and load data from any source.

Interested in learning more? Here are some suggestions:

  1. You've been running your pipelines locally. Learn how to deploy and run them in the cloud.
  2. Dive deeper into how dlt works by reading the Using dlt section. Some highlights:
  3. Explore destinations and sources provided by us and the community.
  4. Explore the Examples section to see how dlt can be used in real-world scenarios.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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