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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)


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Configuring the SQL database source

dlt sources are Python scripts made up of source and resource functions that can be easily customized. The SQL Database verified source has the following built-in source and resource:

  1. sql_database: a dlt source that can be used to load multiple tables and views from a SQL database.
  2. sql_table: a dlt resource that loads a single table from the SQL database.

Read more about sources and resources here: General usage: source and General usage: resource.

Example usage:


We intend our sources to be fully hackable. Feel free to change the source code of the sources and resources to customize it to your needs.

  1. Load all the tables from a database

    Calling sql_database() loads all tables from the database.

    import dlt
    from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_database

    def load_entire_database() -> None:
    # Define the pipeline
    pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

    # Fetch all the tables from the database
    source = sql_database()

    # Run the pipeline
    info =, write_disposition="replace")

    # Print load info
  2. Load select tables from a database

    Calling sql_database(table_names=["family", "clan"]) or sql_database().with_resources("family", "clan") loads only the tables "family" and "clan" from the database.

    import dlt
    from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_database

    def load_select_tables_from_database() -> None:
    # Define the pipeline
    pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

    # Fetch tables "family" and "clan"
    source = sql_database(table_names=['family', 'clan'])
    # or
    # source = sql_database().with_resources("family", "clan")

    # Run the pipeline
    info =

    # Print load info


    When using the sql_database source, specifying table names directly in the source arguments (e.g., sql_database(table_names=["family", "clan"])) ensures that only those tables are reflected and turned into resources. In contrast, if you use .with_resources("family", "clan"), the entire schema is reflected first, and resources are generated for all tables before filtering for the specified ones. For large schemas, specifying table_names can improve performance.

  3. Load a standalone table

    Calling sql_table(table="family") fetches only the table "family"

    import dlt
    from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_table

    def load_select_tables_from_database() -> None:
    # Define the pipeline
    pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

    # Fetch the table "family"
    table = sql_table(table="family")

    # Run the pipeline
    info =

    # Print load info

  4. Configuring table and column selection in config.toml

    To manage table and column selections outside of your Python scripts, you can configure them directly in the config.toml file. This approach is especially beneficial when dealing with multiple tables or when you prefer to keep configuration separate from code.

    Below is an example of how to define table and column selections in the config.toml file:

    # to select tables names
    table_names = [

    # to select specific columns from table "Table_Name_1"
    included_columns = [


    Table and column names specified in config.toml must exactly match their counterparts in the SQL database, as they are case-sensitive.

Configuring the connection

Connection string format

sql_database uses SQLAlchemy to create database connections and reflect table schemas. You can pass credentials using database URLs, which have the general format:


For example, to connect to a MySQL database using the pymysql dialect, you can use the following connection string:


Database-specific drivers can be passed into the connection string using query parameters. For example, to connect to Microsoft SQL Server using the ODBC Driver, you would need to pass the driver as a query parameter as follows:


Passing connection credentials to the dlt pipeline

There are several options for adding your connection credentials into your dlt pipeline:

You can set up credentials using any method supported by dlt. We recommend using .dlt/secrets.toml or the environment variables. See Step 2 of the setup for how to set credentials inside secrets.toml. For more information on passing credentials, read here.

2. Passing them directly in the script

It is also possible to explicitly pass credentials inside the source. Example:

from dlt.sources.credentials import ConnectionStringCredentials
from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_database

credentials = ConnectionStringCredentials(

source = sql_database(credentials).with_resources("family")

It is recommended to configure credentials in .dlt/secrets.toml and to not include any sensitive information in the pipeline code.

Other connection options

Using SqlAlchemy Engine as credentials

You are able to pass an instance of SqlAlchemy Engine instead of credentials:

from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_table
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://")
table = sql_table(engine, table="chat_message", schema="data")

This engine is used by dlt to open database connections and can work across multiple threads, so it is compatible with the parallelize setting of dlt sources and resources.

Configuring the backend

Table backends convert streams of rows from database tables into batches in various formats. The default backend, SQLAlchemy, follows standard dlt behavior of extracting and normalizing Python dictionaries. We recommend this for smaller tables, initial development work, and when minimal dependencies or a pure Python environment is required. This backend is also the slowest. Other backends make use of the structured data format of the tables and provide significant improvement in speeds. For example, the PyArrow backend converts rows into Arrow tables, which results in good performance and preserves exact data types. We recommend using this backend for larger tables.


The SQLAlchemy backend (the default) yields table data as a list of Python dictionaries. This data goes through the regular extract and normalize steps and does not require additional dependencies to be installed. It is the most robust (works with any destination, correctly represents data types) but also the slowest. You can set reflection_level="full_with precision" to pass exact data types to the dlt schema.


The PyArrow backend yields data as Arrow tables. It uses SQLAlchemy to read rows in batches but then immediately converts them into ndarray, transposes it, and sets it as columns in an Arrow table. This backend always fully reflects the database table and preserves original types (i.e., decimal / numeric data will be extracted without loss of precision). If the destination loads parquet files, this backend will skip the dlt normalizer, and you can gain two orders of magnitude (20x - 30x) speed increase.

Note that if pandas is installed, we'll use it to convert SQLAlchemy tuples into ndarray as it seems to be 20-30% faster than using numpy directly.

import dlt
import sqlalchemy as sa
from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_database

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
pipeline_name="rfam_cx", destination="postgres", dataset_name="rfam_data_arrow"

def _double_as_decimal_adapter(table: sa.Table) -> sa.Table:
"""Emits decimals instead of floats."""
for column in table.columns.values():
if isinstance(column.type, sa.Float):
column.type.asdecimal = False
return table

sql_alchemy_source = sql_database(
backend_kwargs={"tz": "UTC"},
).with_resources("family", "genome")

info =

For more information on the tz parameter within backend_kwargs supported by PyArrow, please refer to the official documentation.


The pandas backend yields data as DataFrames using the module. dlt uses PyArrow dtypes by default as they generate more stable typing.

With the default settings, several data types will be coerced to dtypes in the yielded data frame:

  • decimal is mapped to double, so it is possible to lose precision
  • date and time are mapped to strings
  • all types are nullable

dlt will still use the data types reflected from the source database when creating destination tables. How the type differences resulting from the pandas backend are reconciled/parsed is up to the destination. Most of the destinations will be able to parse date/time strings and convert doubles into decimals (Please note that you'll still lose precision on decimals with default settings.). However, we strongly suggest not to use the pandas backend if your source tables contain date, time, or decimal columns.

Internally, dlt uses to generate pandas frames. To adjust pandas-specific settings, pass it in the backend_kwargs parameter. For example, below we set coerce_float to False:

import dlt
import sqlalchemy as sa
from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_database

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
pipeline_name="rfam_cx", destination="postgres", dataset_name="rfam_data_pandas_2"

def _double_as_decimal_adapter(table: sa.Table) -> sa.Table:
"""Emits decimals instead of floats."""
for column in table.columns.values():
if isinstance(column.type, sa.Float):
column.type.asdecimal = True
return table

sql_alchemy_source = sql_database(
# set coerce_float to False to represent them as string
backend_kwargs={"coerce_float": False, "dtype_backend": "numpy_nullable"},
).with_resources("family", "genome")

info =


The ConnectorX backend completely skips SQLALchemy when reading table rows, in favor of doing that in Rust. This is claimed to be significantly faster than any other method (validated only on PostgreSQL). With the default settings, it will emit PyArrow tables, but you can configure this by specifying the return_type in backend_kwargs. (See the ConnectorX docs for a full list of configurable parameters.)

There are certain limitations when using this backend:

  • It will ignore chunk_size. ConnectorX cannot yield data in batches.

  • In many cases, it requires a connection string that differs from the SQLAlchemy connection string. Use the conn argument in backend_kwargs to set this.

  • It will convert decimals to doubles, so you will lose precision.

  • Nullability of the columns is ignored (always true).

  • It uses different mappings for each data type. (Check here for more details.)

  • JSON fields (at least those coming from PostgreSQL) are double-wrapped in strings. To unwrap this, you can pass the in-built transformation function unwrap_json_connector_x (for example, with add_map):

    from dlt.sources.sql_database.helpers import unwrap_json_connector_x

dlt will still use the data types reflected from the source database when creating destination tables. It is up to the destination to reconcile/parse type differences. Please note that you'll still lose precision on decimals with default settings.

"""This example is taken from the benchmarking tests for ConnectorX performed on the UNSW_Flow dataset (~2mln rows, 25+ columns). Full code here:"""
import os
import dlt
from dlt.destinations import filesystem
from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_table

unsw_table = sql_table(
# this is ignored by connectorx
# keep source data types
# just to demonstrate how to set up a separate connection string for connectorx
backend_kwargs={"conn": "postgresql://loader:loader@localhost:5432/dlt_data"}

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

info =

With the dataset above and a local PostgreSQL instance, the ConnectorX backend is 2x faster than the PyArrow backend.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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